natalia has a few things she needs to do.....
but when the buts come along......
needs to exercise
BUT.. my knees are getting old. 6km yesterday iz killing my knees walking today :p
needs to get started on her next and final assignment
BUT.. i juz submitted my last assignment!
needs to start studying for her exams
BUT.. needs to do the last assignment first!
needs rest her eyes before her degree gets higher(which i tink it iz already)
BUT.. the computer iz her ONLY source of entertain other than the tv!
needs to stop eating
BUT.. i'm hungry and my mouth iz itchy for food! ):
needs to get HDs
BUT.. it's so tough ):
needs to stop complaining and get on her butt to start studying (:
SHOO! (:
*throbs @15:02 <3
There .
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